Health Wellness Tips – The Basic Yet Crucial Ones

In today’s fast paced world, it sometimes seems impossible to follow through with even the most basic and well known healthy habits. But when it comes to applying the following health wellness tips, something is a lot better than nothing.

The first, and one of the most important, is balanced eating. But who really, has the time or motivation to eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables every day? And if you’re trying to watch your weight, it’s hard to afford the extra calories. So here’s a suggestion-a banana with your breakfast, and a Ziploc bag of cut and peeled baby carrots (sweet and low calorie) for an afternoon snack. Then back it up with a simple multivitamin/mineral supplement to cover the rest of your needed micronutrients.

Secondly, and I know you’ve heard it dozens of times-proper water intake. Here again, most of the people I know don’t even get near the suggested 8 glasses a day. But if you shoot for 3 or 4 glasses daily, you’re still going to be better off than not having any. One easy thing you can do-make drinking a glass the very first thing you do after crawling out of bed (or after your first restroom trip!). Now you only have 3 to go the rest of the day. Some people heat their water up in order to enjoy it more.

Thirdly, and this has been hammered into us also, is getting enough sleep. Here again, the time element comes into play (the lack of it). Most of us don’t get the needed 8 or so hours recommended. But with a little practice, a power nap will really help you get through the day. It may take a few attempts to be able to shut your mind down so you can doze off for 15 to 20 minutes, but once in the habit, it can be a life saver. It will get you back on track mentally when you’re fading, and will even help reduce stress.

By trying to implement these few, simple health wellness tips into you daily life, you can reap many of the benefits of healthy living without burning yourself out from attempting the sometimes impossible goals set for us in order to obtain optimum health. Something IS better than nothing!

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